On our way to Saragossa, Barcelona and Pamplona!
The first Polish-Spanish cooperation with the Naparbier brewery has been gathering pace. We have been invited to 3 fantastic places in Spain!
One of the main attractions is going to be ART#11 Double Cherry Rauchweizenbock. To learn more about our collaborative beer, the rauchweizenbock style, malts, hops and foodpairing, visit: https://100mostow.pl/art-11/
There is more to the Beer Bridge than collaborative brewing and exchanging experiences. Our goal has also been to enrich the beer culture and raise awareness of the craft industry. How do we do it? By reaching new customers and preparing them to drink good beer. We’re looking for open-minded enthusiasts who enjoy meeting others and gaining new perspective; people with a passion for good quality food and awareness of original flavors.
When the Naparbier team visited Poland, we focused on showing them our traditions and taking the best of the Spanish culture. We combined such Polish specialties as smoked malts and cherries (malts smoked with cherry wood). We showed our guests brewing traditions in WRCLW. As for culinary experiences, we presented traditional methods of preparing foods such as smoking, drying, pickling and salting. We are proud of rich culinary traditions, good quality beers and diverse cuisine. What’s missing is some awareness and confidence. Through everyday activities (brewing, cooking, running workshops and joined projects, taking trips, hosting guests and neighbors). We’re learning how to actively shape the culinary culture of our times. And how do you define “our times,” anyway? It’s what we eat, drink, and how we talk about it.
Coming back to our Spanish partners, we organized meetings and presentations of their brewery in Katowice and Warsaw. People were interested in their culture, art, language and dance in both cities. We haven’t missed any opportunity to present craft and invite everyone to take the first sip!
We’re going to Spain to do more networking on the very attractive Spanish market. In terms of its size, the Spanish market ranks 3 rd in Europe after Germany and the UK. As for beer consumption, 2/3 of the total beers consumed in Spain is drunk outside their homes. The Spanish are outdistanced only by the Irish.
We’re going to strike while the iron is still hot. The invitation is not for next year. It is tomorrow that we’re flying!