Browar Stu Mostów earns 2016 TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence
We’re happy to announce that Browar Stu Mostów has earned the certificate of excellence, which is awarded to places that continuously receive a large number of positive reviews from TripAdvisor users. We’d like to take the opportunity to thank for every single review. We read all of them and take your advice to excel our business. We’re thrilled with such excellent reviews. As the TripAdvisor puts it “this recognition helps travellers identify and book properties that regularly deliver great service. TripAdvisor is proud to play this integral role in helping travellers feel more confident in their booking decisions.” Our own experience shows that the system works well and people follow TripAdvisor recommendations.
Established in 2010, the certificate of excellence is awarded annually to HoReCa companies which provide highest quality services.
This year the certificate has been awarded for the 6th time to companies that consistently receive great reviews on the TripAdvisor website. To award the certificate to specific establishments, TripAdvisor uses a wide range of data contributed by travellers including: quality, quantity and recency of the reviews. The certificate is awarded to a property that has consistently been awarded the minimum 4 out of 5. 2 for at least 12 months. The certificate is based on travellers’ opinions. No business cooperation with TripAdvisor is a deciding factor in receiving the award.
Please share your review on our TripAdvisor website. The link is to be found next to our Facebook and YouTube link –