Co-financed by the European Union

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ART#8 at the Good Beer Festival


Taste ART#8 at
the Good Beer Festival!

Give it a go!

ART#8 Strawberry Berliner Weisse, a mix of German traditional style, i.e. light and refreshing beer fermented with lactic acid bacteria and new-wave German hops, Comet and Huell Melon, and a seasonal Polish touch: tasty strawberries.

The exceptional lightness so typical of this beer style has been achieved thanks to very low extract of about 9% and the grist made of light Pilsner and wheat malts only.

Although hops do not play a central role in this style, we have selected the new-wave German hops anyhow: Comet which has the citric and grassy touch to it, and Huell Melon, a fruity mix with a dominant touch of honeydew. The “late-hopping” metho  allows to reduce bitterness but retains the flavour.

Lactic acid bacteria so typical of this style account for certain acidity. Lactobacillus Lactis, Lactococcus lactis, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, which can be found in sourdough starters, kefirs and yoghurts, produce lactic acid that intensifies the beer’s acidity and refreshing taste.

The seasonality of the beer and its acid profile has been enhanced with a typically Polish touch, abundance of ripe strawberries, which addend during the final fermentation stage gave the beer’s pleasant taste and aroma.

Join us and give it a go! The beer premieres on Thursday night on Długosza Street. The official debut on Friday at the Festival. More details and invitation at