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Creative collaboration


Małgorzata Stuła about her team
and creativity of Wrocław dwellers

MyGreenSpace Founders

It was a pleasure to host one of the top30 most creative people from WRCLW, Małgorzata Stuła, and an opportunity to get to know the team that created MyGreenSpace. The platform allows everyone to design the garden of their dreams. Scan a leaf and you’ll know what the plant will grow into in a few years’ time. Just a click away from a professional service that will lead you from “the project stage to the final effect.”

We met over beer to discuss landscape architecture. We attempted to discover how to stay creative, take the first step and not give up half way through. Małgorzata admitted to following her reason in order to change the history of landscape design. The idea was born in WRCLW and implemented throughout Poland. Now, it’s been conquering the German market. Congratulations. Go WRCLW!

The beer of the evening was ART White IPA, the symbol for creative cooperation. The event attracted a large turnout, which seems to prove that we are an integral part of the city’s creative capital. Visit us on Długosza Street, where people who think and cooperate across disciplines get together. These are the values well worth promoting.

To learn more about the ground-breaking e-commerce platform that has moved landscape and gardening architecture online, visit:

More information about Małgorzata Stuła at: