Co-financed by the European Union

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That’s a legendary place!


Smashing debut in the capital of the Wielkopolska region

“A smashing success! Amazing people and wonderful beer! Such events inspire us to keep up our good work. A big thank you!” – this is just a sample of loads of enthusiastic comments that we’ve heard during our tour around Poland. Setka Pub is a legendary place. They opened when we were still snowed under paperwork. Today we’re inspired by the new energy we’re supplying.

As a wise man told us half a year ago (and to be precise it was Wojciech Kupczyński a legendary stagehand at the CAPITOL Music Theatre) “one day all crazy ideas come together.” Indeed, we’re starting to feel as part of a bigger family. We believe that all enthusiasts that we meet on the way will change the beer map of Poland while having a whale of a time.

Professional in their attitude to beer and fun, the staff of Setka Pub have been committed to promoting craft breweries for years on what may be one of the most difficult markets. Well worth recommending! Thanks for the first one hundred bridges.

Visit us in WRCLW. Have a beer at our brewery at the last weekend of the Carnival!

